Sandra Howard is a sustainable tourism professional and print and television media specialist. For five years she led Colombia’s public policies and sustainable development strategies as Vice-minister of Tourism designated by President Juan Manuel Santos. She served as State Secretary of Education and Culture, and also as Governor of the Colombia island archipelago of San Andres and Providence, where she was born. She is an Associate of Beyond Green Travel, a sustainable tourism firm, and is also Senior Consultant and Adviser at Viveajar /Eco Corp Group. Her commitment to the promotion of sustainable tourism as a way to address poverty alleviation, nature conservation and cultural heritage preservation remains fundamental to her professional work. Sandra has been a speaker at global conferences and events including the World Economic Forum of Tourism, UNESCO World Heritage Tourism Summit, Small Island Developing States Summit, and Caribbean States Association for Heritage Tourism, among others. In 2015, she was responsible for organizing and co-hosting the 21st UNWTO General Assembly in Colombia attended by 170 countries. From 2016 to 2018 she led the Sustainable Tourism Commission of the UNWTO. She is currently the CEO of Tourism for Medellin, Colombia.